Tuesday, June 23, 2020



The French alphabet (l'alphabet français)

(with pronunciation)
(Downloadable image)
  1. This is pronounced like J but is actually the letter G. We'll have a similar problem for J.
  2. The French R sound is also hard to pronounce. It's like a light gargle in the back of the mouth.
  3. The French U is hard to pronounce. Say 'ee' and then, keeping the shape of the inside of your mouth constant, move your lips to make the sound 'oo'. This will allow you to pronounce the French U. This also applies to the pronunciation of the letter Q
  4.  Literally means Greek I.
Click on the video below for pronunciation

The French alphabet has 26 letters among them 6 vowels and 20 consonants.

A/ah/ - the sound in 'spa'aller (ah-lay) means 'to go'
B/beh/ - similar to 'bay'une batte (eeoon baht) means 'a bat'
C/seh/ - similar to 'say' (C or S sound)un couteau (uh koo-toh) means 'a knife
D/deh/ - similar to 'day'dormir (dohr-meer) means 'to sleep'
E/uh/ - the sound in 'wool'les cheveux (lay shuh-vuh) means 'hair'
F/eff/ - similar to Englishfort (fohr) means 'strong'
G/zheh/ - similar to the g in 'massage'le gaz (luh gahz) means 'gas'
H/ah-sh/ - said like 'osh' in gosh,
usually silent in French but there are a few words with an aspirated 'h'
-l'huile (lweel) means oil, and the 'h' is silent
-le haricot (luh ah-ree-koh) means 'the bean'
I/ee/ - the sound in geekfinir (fee-neer) means 'to finish'
J/zhee/ - similar to jheejouer (zhoo-ay) means 'to play'
K/kah/ sounds like English (rarely used in French)un kangourou (uh kahn-goo-roo) means kangaroo
L/ell/ - sounds like Englishun livre (uh lee-vruh) means 'a book'
M/ehm/ - sounds like Englishmon ami (moh-nahm-ee) means 'my friend'
N/ehn/ - similar to English, sometimes nasalla naissance (lah nay-ssahnss) means 'birth'
O/oh/ - similar to Englishun ordinateur (uh- nohr-dee-nah-tuhr) means 'a computer'
P/peh/ - said like the 'pu' in 'put'payer (pay-ay) means 'to pay'
Q/keoo/ - said like KEE with rounded lipsqui (kee) means 'who'
R/ehr/ - guttural throat 'r', like garglingun renard (uh rruh-nahrr) means 'a fox'
S/ess/ - usually one 's' sounds like 'z'
double 's' sounds like 's'
un poisson (uh pwah--ssohn) means 'a fish'
du poison (deeoo pwah-zohn) means 'some poison'
T/teh/ - said like 'tay'une tarte (eeoon tarr-tuh) means 'a pie'
U/eew/ - said like EE with rounded lipsune ruse (eeoon reeooz) means 'a joke or trick'
V/veh/ - said like 'vay'une voiture (eeoon vwah-teeoor) means 'a car'
W/doobluh veh/ - sounds similar to double vay (rarely used in French)un wagon-lit (uh vahgohn lee) or (uh wah-gohn-lee) means a train car for sleeping
X/eeks/ - similar to Englishune exercise (eeoon ehks-ehr-see-ss) means 'an exercise'
Y/ee grehk/ - sounds like EE then gr-ekun yaourt (uh yah-oo-rt) means 'a yogurt'
Z/zehd/ - sounds like zedun zèbre (uh zeh-bruh) means 'a zebra' 

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